dimanche 17 janvier 2016

Gifts from bloggy friends Fiona and Valentina ...

L'année 2015 s'est terminée avec deux surprises venant de deux copinautes ...
En 2016, j'utilise déjà ces deux super cadeaux.

The year 2015 ended with 2 surprises from 2 bloggyfriends of mine ...
In 2016, I already use these 2 greats gifts !

L'un est celui de FIONA, du blog Made in a muddle. Je les trouve trop choux !! 
One comes from FIONA from the blog Made in a muddle. 

L'autre est celui de VALENTINA, du blog Weaving Olden Patterns ... un joli snood crocheté tout en Alpaga tout exprès pour moi !! 

The other one comes from VALENTINA from the blog  Weaving Olden Patterns ... a very pretty crocheted snood all alpaca made specially for me !!! 

Elles m'ont véritablement gâtée !! 
Alors, je n'ai pas d'autres mots que MERCI, MERCI et MERCI !!!!! 

I've been really spoilt and I have no other words except THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU !!!

I'm grateful for your support ...
I hope you've had a very lovely weekend and you'll have a very happy week ahead ...

Please Take Care
See you soon !


11 commentaires:

  1. Oh beautiful, Géraldine! You are lucky. The thing I like most about crochet is the number of practical items that can be made - things to use as well as to look at - and you have some lovely gifts. Coathangers are always welcome gifts in my home - one can never have enough. The snood looks so warm and cosy. I suppose the days are getting colder where you are? Meanwhile we are having very hot weather 38-39°C. Sending warm wishes xx

  2. The hanger and snood both look very beautiful!

  3. You are truly blessed, they are beautiful generous gifts.

  4. I really must have a go at crocheting a cover for a hanger as they do look lovely, it would stop my clothes falling of them too.
    Amanda xx

  5. I'm glad you liked it Géraldine. Your snood looks sooo warm.

  6. They are lovely gifts Geraldine, I hope you get much enjoyment from them. Hx

  7. Toi aussi tu es bien gâtée !
    C'est une super idée le cintre, je vais peut être copier...
    Et ton snood est magnifique et te va super bien!
    Bonne journée.

  8. Ooh, look at how pretty it looks on you! I'm so glad you like it this much, that makes me happy! <3

  9. Oh combien elles ont ete genereuses ces gentilles amies Geraldine!C'est bien de recevoir de jolis cadeaux juste au debut de l'annee! Bon signe!
    Je t'envoie mes meilleurs voeux pour 2016!

  10. Wonderful and thoughtful gifts,

  11. What a cute little hanger and that snood looks SO soft and warm.

    Lovely gifts.



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