dimanche 24 mai 2015

Quiet days in Perigord

I've been away for a while from blogging and more generally from the internet. 
I needed a long rest so I took 2 weeks off and I went to the Perigord. I love this region. I already wrote a post about it last year (see here). We go there as often as we can. 
For us, the Perigord is a wonderful region ...
Do you know that region of France ? Probably its name ... 
It's a region in the south-west, far from 580 kms from home, that corresponds to the department of Dordogne in Aquitaine. 
It's known for the ducks and gosses products (foie-gras), for delicious walnuts and chestnuts, for strawberry, for wines like Bergerac and Monbazillac. Perigord is considered the center of truffles production. 
But it's also a region very rich of prehistorical and historical sites. Indeed, there's the World Capital of Prehistory (les Eyzies-de-Tayac) because of a exceptional prehistoric heritage. 
There're 1500 castles ...
The Dordogne river was designated Biosphere reserve by the UNESCO in 2012. 

Ces deux dernières semaines, je suis partie de nouveau dans ma région préférée à savoir le Périgord...
Vous connaissez cette région, la voici à travers quelques clichés. 

But the best is to have a look ... 

Beynac Castle and the village along the river - 13th century. 

Le château de Beynac et la Dordogne, rivière classée depuis 2012 par l'UNESCO pour ses rives à la biosphère exceptionnelle.

The Dordogne River. 
Fayrac Castle- 14th Century-  

On the towpath...
Sur le chemin de halage ... 
The Dordogne River- Le Rocher de la Cave- 

Cadouin Abbey- 12th century-

Visite de Cadouin et de son abbaye. 

The backyard of the abbey.
The old market in the plaza of Cadouin

Nous logeons à chaque fois près de Sarlat, une superbe ville.
The old church in Sarlat


In Perigord, the houses are built with ochre limestone and the roofing material is the "Lauze", a flat stone typical of the region. 

Dans cette partie du périgord (la plus proche du Lot), les maisons sont de calcaire ocre et les toits montés en "lauze", une pierre plate typique de la région. 

In Dordogne, there's an impressive number of old cave-dwellings sites, like this one, Roc de Cazelle. 

En Dordogne, il y a une quantité impressionnante de maisons troglodytes dont le Roc de Cazelle qui a été habitée de la préhistoire (- 12000 ans) à 1966 !! 

The site was occupied 12000 years ago and .... until 1966 !

12000 years ago
In the middle age

Until 1966 the last family living in this site had this single room ...
La dernière famille vivant sur ce site vivait dans cette pièce ... 

They had a guest room and a telephone booth ... 
They had a shed.
Look at these combs for carding and their very big nails ... 

 The place where they lived is really impressive. 

They had a farm and a garden. 

There's some animals living in the site we can visit. 

It's a Valachie sheep or racka

Oh... it's a long post today and I have a lot to show you ! I'll do it on my next post. I think I'll write about the beautiful wild nature in this region. 
I hope you'll forgive me because I haven't followed your blogs for 2 weeks now, as usual ... and now it's not easy to catch up with all of you !!!  

Dans mon prochain article, je vous parlerai de la superbe nature de cette région que j'adore. 
J'espère que vous me pardonnerez de ne pas vous avoir suivies pendant ces 15 derniers jours. Je m'étais complètement coupée d'internet ...

Thanks for your visit ! 

Please Take Care, 
and See you soon ! 

 Lacypierre Castle (St Crépin et Carlucet)

27 commentaires:

  1. So pretty! It goes on my list!!!

    1. You should go indeed .... tell me if you go there once ...

  2. What a beautiful place, and what a history too! I'd love to go there one day. I can't imagine living in a cave, but it does look very homely despite that. Glad you had a good break :)
    Cathy x

    1. It's really a beautiful region ... but living might be trying because of the dust and the damp ... Thanks Cathy for your visit ... have a nice week !

  3. Gorgeous photos Geraldine! I'm just back from your beautiful country myself!
    V x

  4. What a beautiful area to visit and so much history, fascinating. Hope you are feeling well rested.

    1. Thanks ! yes, I needed that rest. I felt exhausted but now I'm feeling really better ...

  5. Wonderful pictures of your vacation.

    It makes me wonder what the people that lived there were like. I'd love to sit down with the people from the 1960's and see how they lived. :-)

    1. Me too, I'd like the same to see how it was !! But I'd like the same for the prehistory just 10 minutes only to see them !!

  6. What a beautiful place to visit with beautiful scenery and interesting castles and old places to visit. Interesting to get to know about the way the people in the past lived. Thank you for taking us through this tour.

  7. Réponses
    1. Merci beaucoup !! tu connais cette région ? Passes une bonne semaine !

  8. Wow, I've loved looking at your pictures, these look like marvelous places... I've heard about Perigord before, though I've never been there, no wonder you like visiting the region! xx

  9. What a stunning place, with lots to see and discover. Loving all the photos.
    Amanda xx

  10. une superbe visite, merci... j'ai eu la sensation d'un retour en arrière avec le mobilier exactement le même que celui de mon enfance ( celui des maisons dans la roche!) sauf que moi c'est dans un ancien donjon carré que j'ai vécu en France chez mes parents et pas dans une grotte ;) Ce sont toujours des photos de qualité que tu nous montre et cela est très agréable.

  11. Y'en a qui en ont de la chance !!!!!Joli coin pour passer des vacances...
    Bises et bonne semaine !

  12. Great post, super photos. This looks like such a lovely place to be.

  13. C'est vraiment un bel endroit. J'espère que tu es bien reposé maintenant.
    Bonne semaine

  14. All that I knew of Perigord was the name and that it was famous for truffles, so it was wonderful to see and learn more from you in this beautiful post! Thank you for sharing. I look forward to what else you have to bring us! xx

  15. Thank you for taking us on that lovely trip through your beautiful and very interesting pictures.
    TIna :)

  16. Glad you had such a nice break in this beautiful region. I love the castles!!

  17. C'est magnifique !!! Je ne connais pas cette région, mais j'adorerais la découvrir et pourquoi pas, y vivre... Merci de nous faire partager tes découvertes... Bises

  18. It looks like a wonderful, wonderful get-away! Glad you had the time to recharge!

    The pics look brilliant - I think I need to visit the region one day!

    Take care
    Anne (Crochet Between Worlds)

  19. Wow what a beautiful place and so interesting!! Looks like you had a great holiday. So many castles and those caves are something else. I think the oldest building we have in this area dates back to the mid 1800's . Lol!!

  20. Merci pour cette charmante ballade ! Cette région est vraiment très belle ! Et quel bonheur ça doit être de crocheter tranquillou au bord de la rivière ... Tu fais quoi ??? :)



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