lundi 15 décembre 2014

Spinning Show

The last days were relatively tiring because I've catched a heavy cold and it took all of my energy !! I couldn't do anything ! I was exhausted. This sunday was the first day with more strength and I've started to feel better. 
So I went to the medieval market of the upper part of the town with my friend Tine. Indeed, our little town is medieval and it's been registered by the Unesco as a World Heritage since 2002. On previous posts, I've showed you some old walls (here) and old monuments (here). 
At this time of the year, during 2 days, there's a medieval market. This market is not a christmas market. It's a festive one and the visitors can wear medieval costumes. I didn't dress up because it was too cold outside and I'm still on the mend ! 
The christmas market is in the lower part of the town (commercial part) and it's really too small to be interesting !!!  

Ces derniers jours ont plutôt été calmes mais fatiguants en raison d'un bon gros rhume qui m'a terrasé et m'a privé de mon énergie. Ce dimanche fut le 1er jour où je me sentie un peu mieux. J'en ai profité pour aller me promener avec mon amie Tine au marché de médiéval de la ville haute. Notre ville est une ville médiévale, inscrite par l'Unesco au Patrimoine Mondial depuis 2002. Je vous ai déjà présenté les remparts (ici) et certains monuments (ici). 
Ce marché n'est pas un marché de Noël (qui se trouve en ville basse et qui est vraiment petit et peu intéressant). C'est un marché médiéval. Certains visiteurs peuvent venir en tenue d'époque. Pour ma part, j'ai laissé ma tenue dans l'armoire car il faisait trop froid pour la porter. 
Here, the Cesar Tower from the 11th century. 
La Tour Cesar datant du 11ème siècle.

For me, the interest this year was a woman, M., who spun... My friend Tine met her last week in her old house where she lives (not far from here) with goats, hens and ewes. Her ambition is to produce her own wool, to spin it and to sell it. During these two days, she showed how to spin with a spinning wheel. She's still a beginner and she doesn't produce her local yarn yet ! 

Mais pour moi, l'attraction est une fileuse faisant une démonstration au rouet. Tine l'a rencontrée il y peu dans son moulin où elle vit avec quelques brebis et chèvres, non loin d'ici.

On the pic below, she's carding some fleece before spinning it. 
Ici, elle carde un peu de toison avant de la filer. 
The spinning ... 
Le filage...
Her spinning wheel is not medieval ... 
Son rouet n'est pas médiéval ... 
Some fleece ready to be spun and some wool in reels.
De la toison prête à être filée et quelques bobines de laine déjà filée. 
Two skeins she has made and some squares she has knitted with her yarn...
Deux de ses écheveaux et quelques échantillons tricotés avec sa laine...
Well, by looking at her, I've decided to learn to spin. I wanted to do it 2 years ago but I didn't dare because I was afraid to fall in a addiction !!! I have the feeling that it could be a deep addiction ! Indeed, I'm already a yarn addict. So, with the spinning .... can you imagine in what my addiction can turn ?
Well, I think I'm ready to become a real "yarn-junkie"! 
I've decided to start it the next 28 of december. In paris (80 kms from here), each month there's a "pub spinning" organised by Tricotin in a café. We can learn to spin, to knit, to crochet and to weave. It's free. You just have to pay your coffee or tea cup !!! 

En la voyant faire, je me suis décidée à apprendre à filer ce que je me retiens de faire depuis 2 ans sentant que je pourrais devenir une vraie accroc ... Décision est prise d'aller au pub spinning à Paris le 28/12 prochain pour prendre ma 1ère leçon de filage avec Tricotin !!!! C'est totalement gratuit. Il suffit juste de payer notre consommation. 

But before that day, I've started to knit a shawl not for me but for a friend of mine who wants to offer it to her mother for Christmas. My friend begins knitting so she can't knit very fast and finish it on time. So, I'm doing it for her.
I'm glad to help her and it's the quiet activity I need while I'm healing. 
The choosen pattern is the Gingko Shoulderette shawl (on raverly here) that I'm knitting in a bigger size. The yarn is 100 % wool, knitted with 6 mm needles and called Kinna from Cheval Blanc (french wool). It's a warm and so sweet yarn...

Avant cela, je rends service à une amie en tricotant un châle pour sa mère. Cette amie ne maîtrise pas assez le tricot pour terminer un tel ouvrage avant Noël. Je lui ai donc proposé de le faire. 
Le modèle choisi est le Gingko Shoulderette shawl (sur Raverly ici) mais que je vais tricoter plus grand. La laine choisie est la Kinna de Cheval Blanc tricotée en 6mm, 100 % laine, chaude et douce. 
I really hope you are all fine and on time with your crafts for Christmas !! 
I wish you the best and thank you again for your comments and your kindness !! 

See you soon ! 

17 commentaires:

  1. I've always wanted to learn how to spin, I hope to someday, and I really wish you good luck! I also hope you get better soon, colds are awful stuff...

  2. This seems to be a beautifull market, especially the working around spinnig look intersting. I hope to get such combs this year for our white lock-sheep. And the shawl with the nice boder you´re going to knit looks nice.
    Have a good time, Birgit

  3. samedi pluvieux: j'ai compris l'intérêt d'une cape en laine tissée bien couvrante ; dimanche ensoleillé: j'ai aimé l'ambiance médiévale et festive. tout comme toi, j'ai adoré les démonstrations de filage tout le weekend.
    je savais bien que je trouverais des brebis et une bergère un jour ;-) très jolies photos comme toujours.

  4. Très beau reportage! Un dépaysement total!!! Des costumes, des bergères, de la laine à filer, un rouet ...mais ça ressemble à un conte de fées!!! Y avait il un Prince Charmant aussi? :) Moi aussi je rêve de filer la laine, enfin d'essayer en tout cas !;)

  5. Superbe reportage médiévial !!! Et le châle va être beau et chaud !!!
    Bisous et bonne semaine !

  6. Wow your post is so interesting and what a cool place to live! Your pictures are always so beautiful ! I hope you are feeling better, this time of year we can get run down. Spinning looks like a lot of fun, I have resisted too as I have so much yarn already but..,, haha!! Keep well this week!

  7. Wow, I think it is a brilliant idea to learn to spin. Last year I decided to learn to weave and i have loved it. I can't wait to travel along your spinning journey with you.

  8. Interesting story, great pictures!!!
    Happy week.:*

  9. Thanks for sharing this :) Hope you feel better soon!

  10. How lovely to live in such an historic town!
    Good luck with your spinning and I hope you feel much better soon.
    V x

  11. I'm sorry you've been unwell. It seems to be the time of year for illness. Have fun at the free spinning lessons. It can take a bit of time to catch on to how to make it work, but once you do it is so much fun!

  12. I'm just getting over a rotten cold too. No fun, but at least we'll both be feeling better on Christmas. The spinning looks like fun, but I don't think I would have the patience for it. The free lessons sound like fun, and I hope you DO become a spinning addict ;) Enjoy your week! Wendy x

  13. Hi Geraldine, how fun to have a medieval show in your city. I live in the USA but my city in Brazil is also 550 years old and recognized by unesco and preserved for humanity like yours. It must be so fun to live there. I also would love to learn to spin. I hope you have fun learning and I can't wait to see the finish shawl. How nice of you to help your friend.

  14. Great photos. Love the medieval show! The knitting looks fab. X

  15. My son would have LOVED that fair!!!!

    Congrats on spinning .....I can't wait to see what you spin up!

  16. Lovely photos!! A medieval fair sounds so much fun!! :-) I love your yarn and the shawl is coming out very well!! :-) such a soothing shade you have chosen. I love steel knitting needles. :-)

  17. Jolie balade dans cette ville médiéval !! je ne connaissais pas ce pub à Paris pour le filage de la laine



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